本届会议为鼓励青年学者不断开拓进取,积极钻研,针对ICCS 2024 会议注册参会嘉宾特设以下奖项:
The Outstanding Organization Award recognizes an individual who has made a significant contribution to the ICCS conference. It will be selected by Organizing Committee before Conference.
The purpose of the Best Paper Award is to recognize and promote quality contributions to academic research and writing among scholars and students who present and publish papers at the ICCS conference.
1) The best paper will be selected based on innovation, significance to the research community, scientific impact and technical excellence.
2) Papers must be accepted by ICCS 2024.
3) Deliver Oral Presentation at ICCS 2024.
For every session, one best oral presentation will be selected by session chairs according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit, PPT and English. The winners will receive a certificate of recognition.
For each session, one best poster presentation will be selected by session chairs according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit, PPT and English. The winners will receive a certificate of recognition.